Russian works on the late-Tudor, early to mid-Stuart state and the English Revolution (pasted)

 Russian works on the English Revolution (from the Kondratenko thesis)

118. Aleksandrova, S. P. Revival of the right of the House of Commons to impeachment as an attempt to establish control over the executive branch Text. / S.P. Aleksandrova // Jurisprudence. -2005 .- No. 6. S. 180-195.

119. Barg, M '. A. Cromwell and his time Text. / M.A. Barg. M.: Publishing House of the State University.Ped.GIS, 1950.-221 p.

120. Batser, M. A. From narrative to theory. Anglo-American historiography of the English Revolution of the 17th century Text. / M. A. Batser // New and recent history. 1997. - No. 5. - S. 42-57.

121. Belzer, A. A. Local government in England under the Tudors Text. : abstract of diss. Cand. East. sciences. Samara, 2001 .-- 22 p.

122. Biryukovich, V.V. Absolute monarchy in France Text. / V.V. Biryukovich. JL, 1936 .-- 126 p.

123. Fighters, M. A. Forward, to Herodotus! Text. / M. A. Boytsov // Case: Individual and unique in history. - M., 1999.S. 17-41.

124. Bychkov, S. P., Korzun, V. P. Introduction to the historiography of Russian history of the XX century. Text .: textbook / S. P {. Bychkov, V.P. Korzun. Omsk: Publishing House Omsk state University, 2001 .-- 359 p.

125. Great Britain: The Age of Reforms Text. / Ed. A.A. Gromyko. M .: The whole world, 2007.-536 p.

126. Vinogradov, K. B. Essays on the English historiography of modern and recent times Text. / K. B. Vinogradov. 2nd ed. - L .: Publishing house Lenigr. University, 1975. -304 p.

127. Voitenko, O. V. State, public education, statehood (theoretical and methodological analysis of their correlation) Text: abstract of the diss. .kand. legal sciences. M., 2006 .-- 22 p.

128. Gutnova, E. V. Historiography of the history of the Middle Ages Text: textbook. for university students enrolled in special. "History" / E.V. Gutnova. M .: Higher school, 1985 .-- 350 p.

129. Gutnova, E. V. The emergence of the English Parliament Text. / E.V. Gutnova. M .: Moscow Publishing House. University, 1960 .-- 318 p.

130. Danilov, A. I. The problems of agrarian history of the early Middle Ages in German historiography of the late XIX beginning of XX centuries. Text. / A.I. Danilov. -M.: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958.- 368 p.

131. Dmitrieva, O: V. Socio-economic development of England in the 16th century Text: special course / O. V. Dmitrieva. M., 1990 .-- 99 s.

132. Dmitrieva, O. V. In Search of a Reliable Justice of the Peace Text. / O. V. Dmitrieva // Middle Ages. 1995. Issue. 58. - S. 48-68.

133. Dmitrieva, O. V. English nobility in the XVI beginning of the XVII centuries: the boundaries of the estate Text. / O. V. Dmitrieva // European nobility of the XVI-XVII centuries: borders of the estate: collection. scientific tr / Ans. ed. V.A. Vedyushkin. - M .: Archeographic Center, 1997.-S. 11-35.

134. Dmitrieva, O. V. Elizabeth I. Seven portraits of the Queen Text. / O. V. Dmitrieva. - M.: Young Guard, 1998.256 s.

135. Dmitrieva, O. V. "The New Bureaucracy" at the court of Elizabeth I Tudor Text. / O. V. Dmitrieva // Monarch's Court in Medieval Europe: Phenomenon, Model, Environment / Ed. N.A. Khachaturian. M., St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2001 .-- S. 142-58.

136. Erofeev, N. A. English historical science at the beginning of the XX century. Text. / N. A. Erofeev // Historiography of the New Time of the countries of Europe and America: textbook. pos. for universities / rep. ed. I.S. Galkin. M .: Publishing. Mosk. state University, 1967 .-- S. 440-59.

137. Erokhin, V. N. The Puritan movement in England in the 16th and early 17th centuries. in modern Anglo-American historiography Text. / V.N. Erokhin. Yekaterinburg: Publ. Ural State University, 2001 .-- 239 p.

138. Zvereva, G. I. British historiography in the context of the academic culture of the 20th century. Text: abstract of a dissertation of a doctor of history. sciences. M., 1998 .-- 28 p.

139. Zvereva, G.I., Repin, JL P. Social, history and the “new historical science” in Great Britain Text. / G.I. Zvereva, JI. P. Repin // New and recent history. 1988. - No. 4. - S. 159-175.

140. Ivonin, Yu. E. Classes, Catholicism and absolutism Text. / Yu. E. Ivonin // Questions of history. 1974. - No. 8. - S. 118-24.

141. Ivonin, Yu. E. Is it necessary to renew the discussion on absolutism? Text. /YU. E. Ivonin // Questions of history. 1989: - No. 12. - S. 176-78.

142. Kazakov, I. V. The noble opposition and the law on treason. Text. / I.V. Kazakov // Problems of history and historiography of the foreign world: collection. scientific labor. - Samara: Ed. Samar. University, 1994.S. 13-25.

143. Kamenetsky, B. A. The ideological struggle in England during the crisis of Absolutism (late 16th – early 17th centuries) Political and legal aspect Text / B. A. Kamenetskiy // Middle Ages. - 1980. - No. 43. - S. 62 - 190.

144. Kissel, M. A. R. J. J. Collingwood Historian and Philosopher Text. / M. A. Kissel // Collingwood R. J. The Idea of ​​History. Autobiography. - M., 1980 .-- S. 418-459.

145. Kovalev, V. A. The Royal Ceremonial of the early Stuarts Text: abstract of the diss. Doct. East. sciences. -M., 2006.28 p.

146. Kovin, V. S. Royal servants and the Jacobite court in early Stewart England (1603-1625) Text: Diss. Cand. East. sciences. St. Petersburg, 1999 .-- 198 p.

147. Kolpakov, A. D. English historiography Text. / A. D. Kovalev // Historiography of the new and recent history of the countries of Europe and America: textbook. manual for universities / Ed. I.S. Galkina. M .: Moscow Publishing House. Univ., 1977 .-- S.304-322.

148. Kondratiev, S.V. Parliament in Political and Legal Thought of Pre-Revolutionary England Text. / S.V. Kondratiev // Jurisprudence. -1998.-No. 4.-S. 104-116.

149. Kondratiev, S.V. English lawyers of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. about royalty Text. / S.V. Kondratiev // England of the 17th century: ideology, politics, culture: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr / Ed. G.F. Levin and S.E. Fedorov. - SPb., 1992.-S. 13-21.

150. Kondratiev, S. V. Politics and political elites in the pre-revolutionary. England Text. / S.V. Kondratiev // England of the 17th century: social groups and society: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr -SPb., 1994.S. 17-32.

151. Kondratieva, T. A. The problem of French absolutism in the coverage of Russian medieval studies of the early 20s of the 1950s »of the XX century Text: Diss. Cand. East. sciences. - Omsk, 2002 .-- 265 p.

152. Kosminsky, E. A. Historiography of the Middle Ages Text: textbook. for universities / E. A. Kosminsky. - M.: Higher School, 1963. - 346 p.

153. Lavrovsky, V. M., Barg, M. A. English bourgeois revolution Text. / V. M. Lavrovsky, M. A. Barg. -M.: Publishing house of socio-economic literature, 1958. - 366 p.

154. Lavrovsky, V. M. Collection of documents on the history of the English bourgeois revolution of the XVII century. Text. / V. M. Lavrovsky / Under. ed. M.A. Barga. M .: Higher school, 1973.- 314 p.

155. Levitsky, Ya. A. Notes on modern Western European media studies Text. / J. A. Levitsky // Middle Ages. - 1960. Issue. 18. - S. 289-295.

156. Lublinskaya, A. D. The Newest Bourgeois Concept of Absolute Monarchy Text. / A. D. Lublinskaya. M., L .: Publishing house of Leningrad State University, 1960 .-- 216 p.

157. Lublin, A. D. France under Richelieu: French absolutism in 1630-1647 Text. / A. D. Lublinskaya. L .: Publishing house of Leningrad State University, 1982.-238 p.

158. Manby, L. Some questions of the development of progressive historiography in England Text. / L. Manby // Questions of history. 1963. - No. 5. - S.76-91.

159. Mogilnitsky, B. G. The concept of crisis in the history of science Text. / B. G. Mogilnitsky // Historical Yearbook. Special issue. Omsk: Publishing House Omsk, State University, 2000 .-- S. 11-17.

160. Mironov, V.V. Foreign policy of the Tudors (1485-1603) in post-war Anglo-American historiography Text: Diss. East. sciences. Omsk, 1999, - 212 s.

161. Porshnev, B. A. The English Revolution, the French Front and the Peace of Westphalia Text. / B. A. Porshnev // Middle Ages. - 1954. - No. 5. P. 180-217.

162. Repin, L.P., Zvereva, V.V., Paramonova, M. Yu. History of historical knowledge Text .: Textbook. for universities / L.P. Repin, V.V. Zverev, M. Yu. Paramonova. M .: Drofa, 2004 .-- 287 p.

163. Repina, JI. P. English Revolution of the mid-17th century. Text. / L.P. Repin // Sogrin, V.V., Zvereva, G.I., Repin, L.P. Modern historiography of Great Britain: textbook. pos. M .: Nauka, 1991 .-- S. 108-157.

164. Repin, L.P. "New Historical Science" and Social History Text. / L.P. Repin // Sogrin, V.V., Zvereva, G.I., Repin, L.P. Modern historiography of Great Britain: textbook. pos. M .: Nauka, 1991 .-- S. 85-107.

165. Samoilo, A. S. The problem of absolute monarchy in modern historiography Text. / A. S. Samoilo // Middle Ages. 1959. - No. 16. - S. 125-136.

166. Saprykin, Yu. M. Popular movements in England in the second half of the 16th and early 17th centuries Text .: Textbook. allowance / Yu. M. Saprykin. - M /. Moscow State University, 1981.-99 p.

167. Saprykin, Yu. M. From Chaucer to Shakespeare: Ethical and Political Ideas in England Text. / Yu. M. Saprykin. M .: Nauka, 1985 .-- 146 p.

168. Saprykin, Yu. M. Absolutist ideas of the English Reformation in the 16th century. Text. / Yu. M. Saprykin // Moscow State University Bulletin: History. M., 1985. - No. 1. S. 79-90.

169. Semenov, V.F. History of the Middle Ages Text: textbook. for universities / V. F Semenov. M .: Education, 1975 .-- 340 p.

170. Serbinovich, L. Yu. James I Stewart (1603-1625) and the parliamentary opposition in England Text .: Diss. .kand. East. sciences. M., 2003 .-- 202 p.

171. Skazkin, S. D. From the history of the socio-political and spiritual life of Western Europe in the Middle Ages Text. / S. D. Skazkin. M .: Nauka, 1981. - 204 p.

172. Skosyrev, V. A. In the shadow of Big Ben Text. / V. A. Skosyrev. M .: Izvestia, 1989 .-- 176 p.

173. Smirnov, E. R. Royal power and parliament in medieval England: dynamics of the legal status Text: Diss. .dr ist. sciences. - M., 2002.342 s.

174. Modern foreign non-Marxist historiography. Critical analysis Text .: Sat. scientific Art. / Ed. B. JI. Malkova. M .: Nauka, 1989. -507 p.

175. Sogrin, V.V., Zvereva, G.I., Repin, JI. P. Modern historiography of Great Britain Text .: Textbook. pos. / V.V. Sogrin, G.I. Zvereva, J1. P. Repin. M .: Nauka, 1991. -226 p.

176. Sogrin, V.V. Fundamentals of the modern organization of historical science in Great Britain Text. / V.V. Sogrin // Sogrin, V.V., Zvereva, G.I., Repin, JI. P. Modern historiography of Great Britain: textbook. pos. M .: Nauka, 1991.-S. 7-50.

177. Teslya, A. Jacob I and Robert Filmer: the political doctrine of absolutism Electronic resource. / URL: (accessed 15. 02. 2009)

178. Tomsinov, V. A. Common Law in the legal construction of the political system ^ England of the first decades of the XVII century. Electronic resource. / URL: http: // DocID = 1201498 (accessed 05.12.2008)

179. Ulyanov, E. A. English Parliament of the first third of the 17th century. in the Anglo-American historiography of the 1970s. Text. / E. A. Ulyanov. Izhevsk: 1999.-S. 129-133.

180. Fedorov, S. Ye. Political and legal disputes over the idea of ​​advice in the Tudor-Stuart period Text. / S. E. Fedorov // Jurisprudence. 1996. - No. 4. -C.100-107.

181. Fedorov, S. Ye. Aristocracy as part of the Early Stewart "titled nobility Text: abstract of thesis diss. Dr. East. sciences. St. Petersburg, 2005 .-- 26 p.

182. Hill, K. "Revisionist" historians and the English Revolution Text. / K. Hill // Questions of history. 1998. - No. 6. - S. 148-155.

183. Hanshell, N. Myth of absolutism Text. / N. Hanshell; translation from English A.A. Palamarchuk / Resp. ed. S. E. Fedorov. St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2003 .-- 272 p.

184. Sharifzhanov, I. I. Modern English bourgeois historiography. Problems of theory and method Text .: Textbook. pos. / I.I. Sharifzhanov. M.: 1984.- 102 s.

185. Sharifzhanov, I. I. English historiography in the 20th century. The main theoretical and methodological trends, schools and directions Text .: Textbook. pos. / I.I. Sharifzhanov. Kazan: Kazan Publishing House, University, 2004 .-- 238 p.

186. Schegolev, P. I. Essays on the history of Western Europe in the XVI XVII centuries. Text: course of lectures / P.I. Shchegolev. - JL: Sotsekgiz, 1938 .-- 210 p.

187. Stockmar, VV Essays on the History of England Text. / V.V. Shtokmar. D.:, 1957.-214 p.

188. Shtokmar, V.V. History of England in the Middle Ages Text: textbook for history. Fak. Universities / V.V. Shtokmar. 2nd ed., Ext. - St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2000. - 276 p.

189. Shtokmar, VV. The ideology of English absolutism in the letters of Elizabeth Tudor Text. / V.V. Shtokmar // Scientific notes of Leningrad State University: Historical sciences. Vol. 17.-M., 1950.-№ 127. - S. 223-228.

190. Stockmar, VV Economic policy of English absolutism in its heyday Text. / V.V. Shtokmar. M .: Nauka, 1962 .-- 167 p.



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