Call for Papers: IHR conference on 'Corruption and Scandal in the Early Modern World, 1500-1800' (pasted)


CFP: Corruption and Scandal in the Early Modern World, 1500-1800

5th and 6th June 2025

Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London

Scandals and instances of corruption shock and delight, and are recurring themes in political and institutional spheres. Reactions to these events shape politics, and provide key insights into the socio-religious and political outlooks of the societies in which they take place. In the early modern period, the meanings of scandal and corruption extended beyond our modern understanding of these terms. Concentrating on 1500-1800 - a time of religious, political, and social development and upheaval - this interdisciplinary conference seeks to explore various instances, responses to, and perceptions of scandal and corruption across Europe and the wider world. Through this event, we seek to explore specific examples of scandal and corruption, reflect upon these terms in their broadest senses, including religious, political, bodily, economic, legal, and institutional, and foster discussion about the meanings of these culturally contingent sets of perceptions. 

Organizers Amilia Gillies [Kent], Antonio Pattori [Oxford], and Florence Eccleston [The Courtauld Institute]) are seeking applications for 20-minute papers on topics relating to the themes outlined above. We welcome submissions from those at any stage of education or career, in fields of study including, but not limited to, history, literature, religious studies, and sociology. Please send abstracts, of c. 250 words, and a brief bio by 10th March. Please also indicate if you would prefer to present in person or online. All applications and queries to be sent to


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