History in Higher Education in the United Kingdom

Most people engaged with or employed in higher education in the United Kingdom will be aware of the pressures facing universities, pressures in particular over admissions and regarding finance. The Minister in the current government responsible for higher education is Robert Halfon, the Member of Parliament for Harlow in Essex. He can be contacted most readily via his constituency office there or by e-mail at halfon4harlow@roberthalfon.com

By coincidence, the next President of the Royal Historical Society, who will be taking up office in that post next autumn, is Lucy Noakes who holds a professorial chair at the University of Essex (which is located in Wivenhoe to the east of Colchester). The Royal Historical Society is a body that represents historians covering a wide range of historical interests in the U.K. and elsewhere. She can be contacted on l.noakes@essex.ac.uk


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