Cambridge University: Workshop for the Early Modern Period: cfp for seminar papers (October- November, 2023) (pasted)

 Workshop for the Early Modern Period

Michaelmas Term 2023 – Material Culture

The Workshop for the Early Modern Period (WEMP) invites submissions for papers to be presented during Michaelmas Term (October-November 2023). The theme of this term is Material Culture, c. 1450-1800. All current graduate students at the University of Cambridge and any other institutions are encouraged to apply. Possible topics may include but are not restricted to:

• Spaces (the home, sacred spaces, cabinets)

• Affective and sensorial matters

• Objects and memory

• Material culture of science, medicine, and knowledge

• Methodological reflections and approaches to non-textual sources

• The relation between the visual and material

• Cross-cultural and entangled objects

• Trade and consumption

• Makers, artisans, and itinerancy

• Fashion and sumptuary law

The workshop provides a forum for graduate students (MPhil/MA and PhD) to present their research on any aspect of early modern history in a friendly and welcoming environment. WEMP aims to provide a platform to present new ideas, receive feedback on your work-in-progress, and gain experience presenting in front of an audience of fellow early modernists. The format consists of two twenty-minute papers followed by a joint Q&A, refreshments, and the opportunity to mingle and socialise.

In Michaelmas Term 2023, WEMP will be running fortnightly on Mondays at 5 pm (UK time). The workshop will also run in a hybrid format. Non-Cambridge-based speakers and members of the audience will be welcome to join us on Zoom.

If you are interested in presenting your work, please send a provisional title, an abstract (300 words max.), and a short bio to the convenors at by 1st September.

If you do not want to miss any updates, do not forget to subscribe to our mailing list:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the convenors, Christian Owen, Jennifer McFarland, and Lavinia Gambini. The convenors will be delighted to help potential speakers with the conceptualisation of their abstracts.

The Workshop for the Early Modern Period (2023-24) is funded and supported by the Faculty of History, Cambridge.


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