Postdoctoral post on the FEATHERS project headed by Nadine Akkerman (pasted)

 Postdoctoral Researcher in the ERC Consolidator project FEATHERS


The FEATHERS project on manuscript production, led by Prof. Nadine Akkerman at the University of Leiden, is advertising a postdoctoral position on the project team, to write several peer-reviewed articles and assist in developing methodology aimed at understanding the ways in which a secretary, scrivener or scribe might interact and influence their patron/employer. In order to apply the candidate must propose a case-study which can serve to explore concepts associated with collaborative authorship in the secular manuscript industry, in governmental, literary or legal texts produced in England between 1558 and 1642. The application closes on 31 July 2023 and full details can be found here; please circulate these to anyone who might be interested.



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