Webinar notice (pasted) on Intellectual Change in Early Modern Europe (IMEMS Durham University)
Zoom Webinar
Debating Intellectual Change in early modern Europe (16th – 18th centuries)
Hosted by IMEMS, Durham University
7 July 2022, 3.00pm-5.00pm BST
Registration now open to all: please click here to book your place.
Participants and titles:
Jeffrey Burson: “Transposing Erudition from Late Humanism to the Early Enlightenment”
Robert Ingram: “Sin and Sovereignty”
Dmitri Levitin: “European intellectual change, 1500–1800: two big myths, and how to replace them”
Diego Lucci: “Long Reformation or Religious Enlightenment?”
Luisa Simonutti: “Islamic Influences on Intellectual Change in Seventeenth-Century Europe”
Ann Thomson: “How useful is the notion of “the Enlightenment”?”
Chair/moderator: Marco Barducci (University of Pavia/IMEMS)
In this Zoom Webinar, leading intellectual historians will discuss and debate the nature and extent of intellectual change in Europe between the sixteenth and the eighteenth century. How helpful are notions such as ‘long-Reformation’, secularization or (religious) pluralism to understand the crisis of the European mind from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century? Are the concept of Renaissance and Enlightenment(s) always indispensable to understand the changes in political, religious, intellectual, and social culture occurring simultaneously in distinct areas of early modern Europe? And how does the analysis of the transmission and reception of books and ideas contribute to the debate about the national vs cosmopolitan dimension of such changes? These and other questions will be addressed by the participants to the Webinar during both their presentations and the following round-table discussion. All participants will have each around 10-15 minutes at their disposal to make a presentation, followed by a roundtable discussion which will be also enriched by relevant questions asked by the audience via the chat function.
For further details, please visit: https://www.durham.ac.uk/research/institutes-and-centres/medieval-early-modern-studies/events/general-events-/debating-intellectual-change/
Best wishes,
Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Durham University
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