Lawrence Stone and the historiography of the gentry controversy
The controversy over the economic and social origins
of the English Revolution was a topic that excited ferocious debate over sixty
years ago. Historians of the calibre of R.H.Tawney and Hugh Trevor-Roper,
J.P.Cooper, Christopher Hill and Lawrence Stone advanced radically different
interpretations to explain the violent events of the 1640s and 1650s in the
British Isles. American scholars, most famously of all, J.H.Hexter, like
Willson Coates, Harold Hulme, Judith Shklar and Perez Zagorin also commented
with varying degrees of sharpness on the issues at stake. But only one of the
major participants, Lawrence Stone, offered an account of the historiography of
the dispute, first of all in his introduction to the anthology of academic
articles and documentary sources entitled Social Change and Revolution in
England 1540-1640 which he edited in 1965 and then, in slightly revised
form, in Chapter 2 of his work, The Causes of the English Revolution
1529-1642, published in 1972. It is with this account that this note is
Stone began the earlier version of his essay with a
description of the genesis of the controversy. He found it in R.H.Tawney's
article on the rise of the gentry between 1558 and 1641 published in 1941.
Tawney had detected important changes in the distribution of landownership in
the period before the English Civil War due to the decline in the fortunes of
old-fashioned landlords and the rise of a new class of gentry able to adopt
modern methods of estate management and to profit thereby. As a result, the
political structure of the country shifted in and after 1640 to accommodate
these economic and social changes. Tawney's argument was underpinned by
statistics claiming to show a fall in the size of the peerage's manorial
holdings compared to those of the gentry and a contraction in large manorial
holdings in contrast to a growth in medium-sized manorial holdings. Apparent
confirmation on the decline of the aristocracy was offered by Stone himself in
an article published in 1948 which argued that the late-Elizabethan peerage was
weighed down by debts due to over-spending and on the brink of financial ruin.
Only the largesse of King James VI and I averted aristocratic collapse.
Stone was admirably frank in retrospect in admitting
to his use of extravagant language in this article, to his statistical errors
and failings over his employment of corollary evidence in response to Hugh
Trevor-Roper's initial criticisms. Nonetheless, he maintained a revised version
of his original position in 1952. This proved the catalyst for Trevor-Roper's
wider assault on Tawney's thesis in the following year: according to
Trevor-Roper, the difficulties of the lesser or mere or small gentry were more
characteristic of the pre-Civil War period than the advance of newly-risen
gentry who were able to profit from Court offices, the law and mercantile
monopolies. These lesser gentry constituted the 'Country party' whose supporters
overthrew the Caroline regime in 1640, who advocated decentralization, reform
of the law, the reduction of offices, etc., and who were the mainstay of the
Independents in the latter half of the 1640s and in the 1650s. Subsequently,
J.P.Cooper demolished the framework upon which Tawney and Stone had erected
their manorial figures. By then, Stone asserted, the way had been cleared for
the general acceptance of the Trevor-Roper thesis.
In fact, according to Stone, it was not until
1958-1959 that Trevor-Roper's arguments were seriously criticised when
Christopher Hill and Perez Zagorin exposed the fragile nature of his
assumptions about the lack of profitability of agriculture for landowners in
general, about the Court as a highway to riches and about religious radicalism
as a refuge from economic decline. There were serious problems too over Trevor-Roper's analysis of the
Parliamentary politics of the 1640s and identification of the Independents as
the party of the small gentry. J.H.Hexter was equally critical of Tawney and
Trevor-Roper: the former was obsessed by the Marxist theory of the rise of the
bourgeoisie and the latter by economic motives rather than by ideals and
ideology, politics and religion. Hexter preferred and proffered an analysis
based on the decline of the aristocracy in military rather than economic terms,
the assumption of political leadership by the House of Commons instead of the
House of Lords, and the traditional constitutional and religious explanations
for the breakdown of the 1640s.
By the time Hexter's essay first appeared in 1958,
Stone was engaged in a major study of the aristocratic archives which had
become available since 1945 and which culminated in his book, The Crisis of
the Aristocracy, 1558-1641, published in 1965. He claimed in his discussion
of the social origins of the English Revolution that this book offered a
synthesis of his own and Hexter's ideas about the problems facing the
late-Tudor and early-Stuart peerage. Stone argued that the aristocracy had lost
military power, landed possessions and prestige: their incomes under Elizabeth
had declined due to conspicuous consumption but recovered under James and
Charles due to royal largesse and rising landed incomes. The King and the
Church of England were nonetheless left dangerously exposed by the crisis in
the affairs of the landed elite after pursuing unpopular constitutional and
religious policies up to 1640. The prior decline of the aristocracy made the
upheavals of that decade possible. He expected criticisms of his arguments in
1965 and conceded that a range of questions over the fortunes of the gentry
would be raised: the debate would inevitably continue. Seven years later, there
had indeed been criticism but also, in his view, the development of a more
sophisticated view of the causes of the English Revolution.
This account of the historiography of the gentry
controversy looked straightforward enough and attracted no attention in 1965 or
1972. Lawrence Stone had claimed that the publication of Trevor-Roper's essay on
The Gentry 1540-1640 in 1953 and of J.P.Cooper's analysis of the
statistics on manorial holdings produced by Tawney and Stone himself had
apparently “cleared [the way] for general acceptance of the Trevor-Roper
thesis.” He had gone on to maintain that it “was not until 1958 and 1959 that
the Trevor-Roper thesis in turn came under serious criticism” from Hill,
Zagorin and Hexter, the latter of whom was also critical of Tawney. But these
arguments were and are fundamentally at variance with the record.
Take Hill for example. The essay Stone cited was
entitled Recent Interpretations of the Civil War. It had been given as a
paper to the Mid-Wales branch of the Historical Association in January, 1955
and was published in Volume LXI of History in 1956. It had a number of
specific objections to Trevor-Roper's categorization of the gentry, to his
alleged elision of the terms “mere”, “lesser” and “declining” gentry, to his
belief that it was the Crown rather than the peasantry from whom rising
gentlemen secured their gains and so on. This essay was reproduced in Hill's
volume of essays entitled Puritanism and Revolution published in 1958.
In Zagorin's case, he had published a paper in the Journal of World History in 1955 entitled 'The English Revolution
1640-1660' in which he took the view that Trevor-Roper's criticisms of Tawney
and Stone remained to be substantiated and that it was unlikely that the
revolution could be regarded as rising of the excluded “mere gentry.”A year
later, in 1956, Zagorin gave the paper entitled 'The Social Interpretation of
the English Revolution' at the meeting of the American Historical Association:
an enlarged version of his text expressing his objections to Trevor-Roper's
arguments appeared in the Journal of Economic History and is noted in Stone's bibliography in
1965. It was incidentally at this AHA
meeting that Hexter's essay, Storm over the Gentry, was given its first
outing. Furthermore, when Past and Present organised a conference on
seventeenth-century revolutions in London in July, 1957, the consensus of
historians present was, according to Eric Hobsbawm, “unfavourable to Prof.
Trevor-Roper's views that they [the gentry] represented a declining class”, a
verdict endorsed as far as this meeting was concerned by J.H.Elliott many years
later. J.H.Hexter's famous essay in Encounter in 1958 was, as those who
read it in its original version or in the longer 1961 version, more hostile to
Tawney and Stone and comparatively benign in its analysis of Trevor-Roper's
case. Conscripting Hexter to the ranks of the latter's critics is a difficult
exercise to perform. It was, in any case, simply not true to argue that there
was a delay until 1958-1959 until Trevor-Roper's arguments came under critical
scrutiny. On the contrary, there had been serious, perhaps partially-organised,
scepticism expressed well before then.
Stone’s own view of this essay (with its critical
assessment of the arguments of Tawney
and Trevor-Roper) was expressed in his review of Hexter’s Reappraisals in History which appeared in The English Historical Review in October, 1963. His conclusions were that Hexter’s positive
suggestions amounted to relatively small beer.
Let me quote Stone directly.
the dust has settled, what, if anything, remains ? Not much. The weakness of
this essay is its failure to put anything very substantial in place of what has
been destroyed. There is the interesting suggestion that all that happened was
a decline in the military power of the nobility. The concept of a power-vacuum
in the early seventeenth century due to a temporary weakness of aristocratic
control is one which explains many things, but it cannot itself be explained
except in broad terms of a decline in the aristocracy's social prestige,
territorial strength, and political cohesion. In any case, the notion that the
vacuum was filled by rich self-confident country gentry was one which Professor
Tawney himself was trying to propound. Though conceived in less exclusively
economic terms, Mr. Hexter's provisional construction is less radically
different from Tawney's old building of twenty years before than he would have
us believe.” (Page 728)
This was his verdict a year after the text of The Crisis had been sent to the Oxford
University Press.
Why did Stone offer this clearly erroneous account?
There are two possibilities. Either he had forgotten the facts and thus misled
himself and his readers. Prima facie, this seems unlikely. Alternatively, this
exercise may have been undertaken deliberately. There is some evidence to
support the latter explanation. In the spring of 1964, Hexter invited Stone to
give a lecture at Washington University in St Louis “undoubtedly [as] some sort
of peace-offering to one of the many victims of his scalding wit” according to
John M. Murrin, then a colleague of Hexter and later of Stone at Princeton.
Both the invitation and the lecture were a success. But whereas, in 1958, Stone
had regarded Hexter's views on the military decline of the aristocracy as
inadequate in explaining the peerage's problems in the 1640s. Stone was
prepared to claim in 1965 that The Crisis “developed a new
interpretation, an amalgam of some of my earlier ideas and those of
J.H.Hexter.” What contribution Hexter had made to this new synthesis is
difficult to detect since he was mentioned only once in the text – and not at
all in the chapter on Power – and only twice in its footnotes. There is really
no positive evidence for Hexter's influence on Stone's opus. But a
rapprochement had occurred. When Hexter published his review of The Crisis in
the Journal of British Studies in 1968, his critical faculties so
evident a decade before had been largely suspended and his overall verdict was
laudatory. Hexter had become a “friend” of Stone as Murrin explained in the
festschrift to mark Stone's retirement and had contributed to the volume of
essays marking Hexter's own retirement.
Was Stone ignorant about the course of the 'gentry
controversy' between 1953 and 1958 or 1959? Given his direct participation in
it, this appears highly unlikely. On balance, the erroneous account he offered
in 1965 and again in 1972 and the unsubstantiated deference to Hexter seem to
owe more to a desire to placate and neutralise a potentially serious critic and
to recruit him to Stone's camp. If this is a tenable line of argument, it
illustrates Stone's failings as an historian in a particularly revealing way.
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