Thursdays at 5 pm, Oakeshott Room, Lincoln College; online on Teams 17 October Dr Ian Archer (Keble College) ‘Inside London’s Bridewell: Setting the Poor to Work, 1550-1700’ Joanna Innes, ‘Prisons for the poor: English bridewells, 1555-1800’ in F. Snyder and D. Hay (eds), Labour, law and crime: a historical perspective (1987), 42-122; Paul Griffiths, Information, Institutions and Local Government in England, 1500-1700: Turning Inside (Oxford, 2024), ch. 4. 24 October Dr Arnold Hunt (University of Durham) ‘Forging the Royal Signature in Early Modern England: Towards an Archaeology of the Rubber Stamp’ Laura Flannigan, ‘Signed, Stamped, and Sealed: Delivering Royal Justice in Early Sixteenth-Century England’, Historical Research , 94 (2021), 267-81 31 October D...