A morning's reflections
A morning’s reflections
Like most people, my daily
routine is fairly fixed. I check my incoming e-mails, look at the Google alerts
I have for topics in early modern history and then look at twitter for items of
interest posted by historians. I do not look as often as I should at the
account of Susan Amussen, the widow of the late David Underdown, but this
morning, thirty five years after their marriage, she put up a photograph from
their celebrations that conveyed her absolute delight on that day.
I have not seen a more moving
image in a very long time.
My original intention had been to
comment on Neil McKendrick’s memoir on the life of Jack Plumb, the existence of
which I discovered via Keith Livesey’s blog, A Trumpet of Sedition. It arrived
on the last day of August and I finished reading it on Wednesday.[1]
I do remember Plumb delivering the James Ford lectures in Oxford in Hilary Term
of 1965 and hearing from him how the Tory Party of the late-seventeenth and
early eighteenth centuries was now finished. But I had no idea of the personal
animosities and academic feuds which Plumb was pursuing in Cambridge and
elsewhere. Needless to say, I was surprised to learn a day later when reading
the last volume of Isaiah Berlin’s correspondence that Plumb had had a heart
attack whilst dancing too vigorously at the Buckingham Palace party after the
marriage of Lady Diana Spencer to Prince Charles. Plumb apparently had not
received a sufficiently prestigious card of invitation.[2]
More seriously, I spotted on the
website of the National Archives a piece by Richard Knight on the levying of
Ship Money in the 1630s. He has been working on the Privy Council’s registers
for the 1630s which, inevitably, contain a good deal of material on this
subject. Oddly though, he has not used Alison Gill’s highly important 1991
Sheffield University thesis which illustrates how collection of the levy
collapsed in the late-1630s after the judgment in Hampden’s case.
4th September, 2020
Neil McKendrick, Sir John Plumb. The Hidden Life of a Great Historian. A
Personal Memoir. (EER Publishers. Brighton, Sussex. 2020)
Affirming. Letters 1975-1997. Isaiah Berlin. Edited by Henry Hardy and Mark
Pottle. (Pimlico. London. 2017), page 174.
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