
Today's readings in early modern history

  Wednesday, 5th March, 2025 I had not posted on my blog for a couple of days, so my first task this morning was to find some material for that site. I found references on ‘X’ to a discussion on The World Turned Upside Down website by Andrew Hopper of Oxford University on the relationship between Sir Thomas Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell, who were, in succession, the commanding officers of the New Model Army, so that went up. And I then added a note that Waseem Ahmed would be speaking at Westminster University on the Levellers in a few weeks time. Waseem Ahmed is a postgraduate at University College, London working on the politics of the 1650s and contributing to a conference commemorating the late Anthony Wedgwood Benn, the Labour politician, at that time.   When I checked my incoming e-mail I found a request to connect with Lauren Working of the University of York on LinkedIn. I duly accepted and sent her some notes of mine on the early history of the English colony of Virgini...

Waseem Ahmed on the Levellers

 Waseem Ahmed, currently a postgraduate at University College, London, will be giving a talk on this subject on 12th April at Westminster University.

Professor Andrew Hopper on the relationship between Sir Thomas Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell

 The World Turned Upside Down website has an interesting interview between Mike Gibbs and Andrew Hopper (University of Oxford) on the relationship between the successive commanders of the New Model Army. It can be heard there and read here .

The tomb in North Ockendon church of Sir Gabriel Poyntz and his wife


Richard J.Evans on The Thwarted Marxist of Balliol

The 28th February edition of The New Statesman carries a review by Richard Evans of Michael Braddick's recently published study of Christopher Hill's life and career. It is interesting and can be read here .

Jonathan Fitzgibbons on Oliver Cromwell's Voice (The Seventeenth-Century. January, 2025)

This highly important evaluation of the recent publication of Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches by the Oxford University Press can be read here Even better, it can be downloaded free of charge.

Bridget Heal, News, Narration and Religion during the 30 Years' War (1618-1648) on 4th March (pasted)

  Limerick History Research Seminar in association with the Limerick Centre for Early Modern Studies, 4 March 5:15pm.   Speaker: Prof. Bridget Heal  (University of St Andrews).   Title of paper: ' News, Narration, and Religion during the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) '.   The seminar will be held online via MS Teams. Here's the link: